1 min read

Is Purpose the Great Panacea?

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Purpose is so powerful that we dedicated our business to helping people find it in their lives. But what is it and what makes it so important? Simply put, purpose is an intention to fulfill a need. If we are thirsty (which is a need) we set an intention to get a drink of water. We don't just randomly walk to the kitchen to get water – we do it with purpose. Of course, we have many needs and these needs form a complex hierarchy where we prioritize some needs higher than others. The higher a need is in our own personal hierarchy the more influential it is in determining our purpose. And because purpose is the mechanism for fulfilling our needs, it is a powerful force in our lives that guides our thoughts and actions whether we are aware of it or not.  

Don't take my word for it, check out the more than 800 studies that have been published on how purpose impacts our health and wellbeing. The findings are staggering. People with a sense of purpose:

  • Live longer,
  • Are psychologically stronger,
  • Are more resilient,
  • Have a reduced risk of Alzheimer's disease,
  • Are Less likely to become physically inactive,
  • Experience less depression and anxiety; and
  • Have a greater income and net worth.

But it is important to note that focusing on the "wrong" purpose can be harmful. If you value "pleasure" above your other values, for example, you may find yourself in situations where your intention to fulfill your perceived needs proves to be self-defeating. Purpose is powerful regardless of how you focus it, which is why reflecting on how purpose impacts your life may be one of the most important steps you can take to improve your overall health and wellbeing. With careful consideration and proper guidance, perhaps purpose is a panacea for you.